How board members can increase funding without asking for money

  One of the biggest fears shared by charitable board members is the fear of asking for money. For most charities, raising funds through board members is a duty and, quite frankly, an obligation. But, when push comes to shove, few board members enjoy tapping their friends, co-workers, and fellow community leaders for financial support. Serving on several boards …

Considering a funding campaign?

Are you thinking about, planning to, or already launching a major funding campaign for your non-profit organization? If so, undertaking a large-scale initiative can be a great deal of fun, which requires significant planning and execution. We continue to learn about non-profit organizations addressing the implementation of major giving campaigns to fund capital, endowment, and …

Board Retreats – Do they need advanced planning?

Strong organizations are governed by outstanding leaders. Fueled with passion, experience, and commitment, the board members of non-profit organizations play vital roles in the direction, management and impact of these groups. The strength of this leadership…and engagement…isn’t always immediately felt upon creating the board or recruiting the new board member. As with many great things, …

Seven tips for fundraising success

  Raising funds for charitable organizations can be difficult; certainly time-consuming. It’s a patient process, requiring considerable research, planning, and organization. The word “development” is a perfect fit to the process an organization goes through to generate a meaningful contribution. When it comes to raising funds for your organizations, here’s a handful of tips to consider …

Amazing community opportunities in the Old Pueblo

Summer has been extremely busy for the NPcatalyst team. Rather than spend the warm months surfing waves in the Pacific or backpacking along the Tahoe Rim Trail, we’ve been serving clients and connecting with corporate and charitable leaders across the country. This past weekend was spent in Tucson, where we met with numerous non-profit officials, …

Executive leadership concerns and how to move forward

Rarely do I post a blog riddled with bullets and statistics. However, upon reading the recently printed “Daring to Lead 2011, A National Study of Nonprofit Leadership” report, I felt compelled to identify key findings within the report conducted through a Joint Project of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services and the Meyer Foundation. While none of these …

CARE Chest of Sierra Nevada

    Name of Organization Leader: Patti Meals, Executive Director Contact’s Phone Number: (775) 829-2273 Email of the leader: Organization Website: Identify your leadership needs Skills-based volunteer Event committee member Program committee member Tweet

Fundraising webinar for non-profit board members

      At the root of effective fund development is the identification, cultivation, and solicitation of prospective contributors. This simple process affects all areas of each community-benefit (or non-profit) organization and, when properly managed, creates incredible effects on the organization’s growth, sustainability, and beneficiary impact. In the hundreds of board meetings which NPcatalyst leaders have facilitated, …