Research and transparency can increase charitable support

Over the last five years, we’ve witnessed an interesting progression with donors and volunteers. As a result of charitable competition, economic forces, and electronic capacities, today’s donors are increasingly curious, analyze before acting, and desire greater connectivity. When donors consider non-profit organizations for their contributions, a number of factors come into play, including the donor’s …

NPcatalyst setting the standard in community engagement, charitable giving

NPcatalyst, L.L.C. setting the standard in community engagement NPcatalyst, L.L.C. (formerly Parker Development Services), a Reno-based firm, works with corporate and non-profit clients to achieve measured community-driven results. Services feature strategy development, charitable giving facilitation, and public awareness through a best practices-driven model. Passionate about the non-profit sector, managing partner, Pete Parker, believes active community …

Are you ready for a major fundraising campaign?

  By Pete Parker  Despite the sluggish economy, a handful of non-profit organizations are beginning to consider major giving campaigns to fund capital, endowment and scholarship projects. It’s no secret that major campaigns are among the more extremely difficult and time consuming projects undertaken by organizations. How do you know when your organization is ready for …

Charities can succeed during tough economic times

Originally posted on 12/8/08 at…economic-times/.     Charities can succeed during tough economic times   We find ourselves in the middle of very interesting and uncertain economic times. As with many businesses, the sluggish economy is showing its effects on the non-profit sector. Americans donated $306.4-billion in 2007, but fund raising is encountering challenges, …