Sierra Nevada Journeys – Tourney for the Journey

NPcatalyst is partnering with Sierra Nevada Journeys to boost participation and excitement with its annual Tourney for the Journeys event, which promotes fun competition with NCAA Tournament brackets and raises funds for children-focused outdoor school programs.?
Recognizing the incredible popularity of the NCAA Tournament and the number of brackets filled out by college basketball enthusiasts, the Tourney for the Journeys competition is a perfect way to compete with friends, family, co-workers and other SNJ supporters…and raise funds. There’s an entry?? donation of $25 which makes participants eligible for winning and losing prizes. 100% of each donation is directly applied to the outdoor programs.
Another benefit is that through our host site, Tamarack Junction in South Reno, participants in Northern Nevada will be rewarded with a complimentary beverage every day they watch the tournament in Sully’s Sports Bar. All that’s required is the official Tourney for the Journeys printed bracket. The casino will also host the final game, where more prizes will be distributed to those in attendance.
Our goal is to field a competition of 100 players, regardless of where the participants live. Of all the brackets you fill out, this one will be the most rewarding – helping kids and the possibility of winning a great prize. Prizes include a National Parks Pass and Southwest Airlines Gift Card for first place, an Amazon Gift Card for second place, a you pick sports jersey for third place, and a Shake Weight for the loser. 
It’s a two-step process.
First, click here to make your donation of $25 (or more) through the Sierra Nevada Journeys donation page.
…once completed, return to this page and…
Good luck and thanks for supporting an incredible cause!